The State of the Libertarian Union Talk Show, a monthly round-table discussion about current events, analyzed from a libertarian perspective. This show is live-streamed on the last Sunday of every month.
In the sixth installment of the State of the Libertarian Union Talk Show, the gang first shares what they’ve currently been working on. Then, we explore a wide range of topics!
This show features the following members:- Nick and Lizzie Pecone of the Sounds Like Liberty
– Steven Clyde of the Peace and Liberty Podcast
– Kyle Anzalone of Foreign Policy Focus and
– Patrick MacFarlane of the Liberty Weekly Podcast
– Daniel Elwood of the Actual Anarchy Podcast
Look for future episodes of this monthly roundtable discussion format, recorded on the last Sunday of each month.
The Libertarian Union is a Podcast Station consisting of several libertarian and anarcho-capitalist podcast shows. Here you’ll find episodes from Liberty Weekly, Don’t Waste Your Hate, the AnCap Barbershop, Wizardly Wisdom and more added all the time.Be sure to check out each of the shows to see what you like, and give them some love via subscribes, comments, likes, shares, tweets, reviews, website visits, ratings and any other way you can support the great content providers listed.
Here’s to Maximum Freedom!