Our Duty to History ft. Keith Knight Ep. 188
Keith Knight of Don’t Tread on Anyone and the Libertarian Institute joins me again to...
Informed Consent and COVID19 ft. Sean Leal Ep. 187
Consent is a concept that is deeply rooted in the principle of self ownership. It...
Marine Corps Veteran Recounts US Occupation of Western Iraq Ep. 186 Scott’s Story Part II
Scott Spaulding joins me for the second installment of our series covering his deployments with...
Our Long Uphill Battle
You’re browsing through Facebook, and you see one of ‘those’ profiles. You know the ones...
This FALLACY Justified Lockdowns Across the World Ft. Ace_Archist Ep. 185
In this week’s episode, I am proud to be joined by Ace Archist. Ace gained...
How I Ignited Local Resistance to COVID Mandates Ep. 184
In this episode, I share with the listeners how I started a local resistance movement...
10 WWI Lies that EVERYONE BELIEVED ft. Keith Knight Ep. 183
Keith Knight joins me to discuss how the media manipulates public opinion to wage war...
Nullify COVID-19 Mandates Ep. 182
I imagine that many of you, like me are feeling angry and demoralized about Biden’s...
When Does Imposing Risk Become Aggression?
Put simply, risk is exposure to a danger with some probability of occurring. Of course,...
Eight US Atrocities in Afghanistan Ep. 181
As the corporate press decries the US evacuation of Afghanistan because of its humanitarian cost...